Friday, February 7

Internal acne: how to treat and prevent them from appearing again?

Imagine the scene: you are getting ready to go out, putting on some nice clothes and looking at yourself in the mirror. Then you realize that there is something wrong with your face. Yes, it is an inner acne, the dreaded one.

Acne can have five distinct classifications, depending on the severity of the lesions: comedogenic, papular-pustular, nodular-cystic, conglobate and fulminant.

The names are quite peculiar, but the differences between each are not that complicated to understand.

Comedogenic acne: is the most common and non-inflammatory type. The blackheads we have on our faces are part of this classification.

Papulopustular acne: In this case, the inflammation already exists and causes blackheads and pimples to turn red. In most cases, they are sore and have pus. It makes you want to squeeze. Resist!

Nodule-cystic acne: These are the inner pimples, those inflamed and painful lumps that are under the skin. The difference between them and the “common” pimples is that these are palpable but have no opening. That is, the pus is not visible, being hidden to the inside.

Acne conglobata: It is the appearance of cysts or nodules, also internal and inflamed, but in groups. It’s as if the inner spines decide to have a meeting and come together, staying close together.

Acne fulminans: This is the most serious and also the rarest type of acne. The injuries are so serious that most patients have a fever and feel muscle weakness. More common in men is a type of acne that may even need surgery.

Therefore, the inner pimple is just one of the types of acne. The good news is that the treatment is not complicated, and often it can be banned almost completely from your life!

What to do to avoid the inner pimple

Whenever someone talks about dermatological treatments, we think about a lot of products, a lot of time dedicated to the care and a huge gap in the budget. But the measures to avoid the appearance of internal pimples don’t need all that much fanfare.

It is possible to adopt a practical and inexpensive routine to ensure healthier and acne-free skin. The key is to focus on the right solutions.

In other words, follow a simple step-by-step process that includes the cleaning, hydration, protection and treatment processes:


Cleansing your face is an activity that should be part of your daily routine, with or without acne. Twice a day – upon waking up and before bedtime – is enough to ensure cleaner, more beautiful and healthier skin.

In short, what you need to do is remove makeup with micellar water or makeup remover, wash your face with soap specific to your skin type, and use a facial tonic to balance the pH and remove any stubborn remnants that have been left behind.


It is an important process, especially for people with drier skin or when we overexpose ourselves to the sun, wind or cold. After facial cleansing, the application of a moisturizing cream suitable for you is recommended every night. Opt for the gel or dry touch versions.

Even if you have oily skin, it’s important to keep it hydrated, even if it seems counterintuitive. Oily skin does not mean hydrated skin. Leaving hydration aside, you may even be increasing the production of oil (or sebum, as it’s known).

This situation has a name, and is known as the rebound effect. It happens when our body understands that lack of hydration is an indication of more oil production. Therefore, the organism starts to produce even more. So pay attention to this fact!


It doesn’t matter if it’s winter, on a tropical beach vacation or working. Sunscreen is a mandatory item for those looking for healthier skin and those who want to avoid the premature appearance of wrinkles, expression lines, and other more serious symptoms related to exposure to UVA and UVB rays.

Our faces are affected by the incidence of light even indoors, did you know? So no pretending it’s not you. Regardless of your skin type or color, there is definitely a perfect fit for you. With or without foundation, in gel or cream, dry or normal touch, medium or super high factor. Make sure you choose the best option and reinforce the application two to three times a day!


In most cases, a topical anti-acne treatment can be indicated – especially if the appearance of internal pimples is constant. The ideal is to talk to a specialized professional and understand which are the most suitable options according to your history.

We don’t even need to say that, whatever pimple appears, you shouldn’t even go near them with your little hands!

In addition to increasing the oiliness of the skin and contributing to contamination, the touch can aggravate the situation, leaving scars and further increasing the redness of the affected area.